The Practice of Psychological Safety in today's digitized Workplace: the Impact of a Field-Manual Based Intervention

The objective of this thesis was to design and develop a field manual-based intervention for leaders, grounded in scientific knowledge, to improve psychological safety within teams and evaluate its impact.

The Practice of Psychological Safety in today's digitized Workplace: the Impact of a Field-Manual Based Intervention


The primary objective of this master's thesis was to address the research gap on how to create psychological safety within teams. Psychological safety, a crucial factor in the optimal functioning and performance of teams, has recently received considerable attention. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of practical interventions for leaders to establish such an environment. The objective of this thesis was to design and develop a field manual-based intervention for leaders, grounded in scientific knowledge, to improve psychological safety within teams and evaluate its impact.


Leaders require tools to create psychological safety within their teams, and this is where the field-manual-based intervention comes in. Psychological safety has a multitude of positive effects, including enhanced teamwork and collaboration, increased engagement, and improved job satisfaction. It also mitigates stress and reduces emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, research highlights the pivotal role of leadership in influencing psychological safety, promoting authentic leadership by encouraging employee engagement, and amplifying the positive impact of benevolent leadership on overall well-being.


The findings indicate that the intervention was effective in raising awareness and improving communication within teams. Nevertheless, the limited duration and the varying implementation levels across teams presented certain challenges. The quantitative results demonstrated a mixed outcome, with some teams exhibiting a significant improvement in psychological safety, while the majority exhibited minimal changes.

Implications for practitioners

The field manual-based intervention is a practical tool for leaders to implement within their teams. It is engaging, straightforward, and provides clear guidance throughout the process. Positive outcomes include heightened awareness of psychological safety, more open communication, and increased appreciation among team members. Utilizing the intervention's skills and inputs leads to meetings with a noticeably more positive atmosphere.


A mixed-methods approach was employed, integrating both qualitative and quantitative techniques. To test the hypothesis, surveys were administered to assess psychological safety levels within the teams, with the aim of identifying observable changes. Furthermore, to address the research question, two online focus group interviews were conducted. The field manual-based intervention was meticulously developed, drawing upon scientific literature and expert insights.